Kundalini awakning benifit

Kundalini - Attributes and Benefits of Vigilance Kundalini
- The Spiritual Benefits of Vigilance can not be expressed in words.  It is said that this is a complete state of happiness.  After getting this status, nothing is left to do.  The mind has complete satisfaction, complete peace and bliss.  The person who is sitting with such a prospect is also at peace with another person.  The disorder of the person who is sitting near such a Yogi becomes calm and disorders of yoga and God increases.  Excessive of this, whose kundalini becomes awakened, also brings ejaculation to the body.  Greetings and equality are at the mouth.  There is equality, compassion and divine value in his eyes.  There is greatness and complete devotion in thought.  In summary, we can say that every aspect of his life is full of holiness, nobility and greatness.
One of the benefits of this whole process is that it is a very important benefit that there is no disease in the person's life of such a procedure, and all disorders of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, overweight, abdominal diseases, talk, bile and cough  Manually expire  The person becomes completely healthy.  Is there a lesser chance for today's selfish person that all the diseases can be eliminated without any medication.  And life can be healthy, healthy, arbitrary and sectarian.
Generally, a person can use only 5% of his physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual powers.  With the awakening of Kundalini power, the inner strength and intuition of Yogis becomes awakened and it becomes human from humanity, from man to yugpurush or great power.  From this, the divine powers begin to quote with the widespread significance of God.  Paramatma, the world's welfare of world peace, chooses such a yogi.  Such Yogi 2 2 has won by counteracting Matsma, it becomes the center of the festivity of millions.  There is a living form of religion, spiritual, culture and Godly power.
